Women’s Equality Day | THE FUTURE IS FEMALE

As a mama bear raising a strong daughter, Women’s Equality Day means a lot to me. It’s important that my daughter grows up in a world where she knows she can be anything she wants to be, and do anything she wants to do. 

Women’s Equality Day celebrates the adoption of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote back in 1920. But really, the day represents so much more than that. 

Being a mother means that I have to continue to fight hard for our rights -- both myself and my daughter. It means that I have to continue to show my daughter that she’s more than whatever society tries to place on her. I want her to know she can go out and be great, that she creates her own destiny, and I’ll be right there helping her become whatever she wants to be.

The Future Is Female


I admire Elaine Welteroth, and I like to consider her a personal mentor of mine (even if she doesn’t know it yet 😉). In her book More Than Enough she states, “When the world tells you to shrink, expand,” and it’s really stuck with me. 

So, in honor of Women’s Equality Day, I asked some fellow mama bears their thoughts on being a woman in business, and raising strong daughters at the same time. 


“For me, being a woman in business while raising a daughter means everything. It’s showing her that she’s worthy of being seen and heard. That’s she’s worth more than being eye candy or someone’s trophy. As a woman, you are free to dust yourself off and strut your stuff on your own, without anyone else’s permission. Being a woman in business is giving myself permission to feel like I deserve to be in whatever room I’m in, because there’s a little person watching how I show up for myself. That’s really everything I hope she sees in me in a nutshell: show up for yourself, advocate for yourself, clap for yourself and be proud of yourself every step of the way.”

-Nikita J.


“Women’s Equality to me is having my independence. When I say independence, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want or need a man. I mean from a perspective of thinking for myself, making decisions, and being able to stand in my own truth. Being able to dream bigger, become who I want to be, teach my daughters to have big dreams and aspirations for themselves. I can walk into a room and my voice will be heard instead of walking in the shadow of a man. I can choose what career field I want to pursue, or I can become a business owner. I can be in positions of leadership and be respected by men and women. Even though it’s not equal across the board, as a woman I have the freedom to choose.” 

-Sabrina W. 


This year you’re invited to celebrate Women’s Equality Day with us! Our new Future is Female tee will inspire your daughters to go after anything they want in life. Be sure to tag us on Instagram when you post your pics of your little in the shirt 📸


Even though we’ve made progress in gender equity across the board since the 1920s when the 19th amendment was adopted, there’s still a lot of work to be done. And it’s up to us to raise our daughters to be empowered, inspired, and determined that the Future is Female

“Clothes aren’t going to change the world. The women who wear them will.”

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